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Racer Y
S3 licensed
You know Blas. You know what MY complaint about Mexico really is? You seen those boots? If you've seen them, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.
And Norteno music. Why do they all dress alike? I grew up with tejano music blaring in the background some where. Somebody's parents was either playing that or Country and Western. Divorced parents played disco. As kids, we hated it. So all us kids all grew up metal heads.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Well, if I was a cop getting that call I'd take my time finishing my doughnut before responding too.......

"With luck they'll have finished by the time I get there !"

This is an interesting report showing just how involved the US govt is in supporting the cartels. ... s-and-fueling-cartel-war/
"And a separate report late last month based on allegations by CIA and DEA insider Phil Jordan is even more explosive. He is claiming that the Obama administration was selling Los Zetas military-grade weaponry through a front company set up in Mexico.
“They’ve found anti-aircraft weapons and hand grenades from the Vietnam War era,” former CIA pilot Robert “Tosh” Plumlee, who supported Jordan’s claims, told the El Paso Times."

Been a 'conspiracy theory' for years, yet another one proved correct unfortunatily.

You ever read a comic book? Like Superman? or Spider man or something?
People like Guzman? they're not just some rich gangster. A 21st century Al Capone. No they're more like the real world version of Lex Luthor.
Think of the pull Bill gates has. Google has. The Saudis have. Now give that juice to a socio-pathic hill billy. If you were a multi-billionaire super criminal and you wanted to do something, do you really think something like federal agencies and drug policies apply to you? If relatively small-time local thugs from Nuevo Leon and Tampalugas can buy whole Sheriff's departments in south Texas, what do think he can do?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :Good grief, I bet you're a barrel of laughs on a night out.

Stock speedometers....
I know in cars, they'll show some stupid high number on the dial and there's no way you'll get that car that fast.
I forget how fast the speedometer claims it will go on my wife's Toyota. LOL you couldn't throw it off a cliff and get it to go as fast as that speedo claims.

Now motorcycles, they're not always very accurate either. Especially after you've hopped up something. My Suzuki's speedo only goes to 120. LOL I know it goes a bit faster than 120. But again after you hit 95, the needle goes nuts and after you go faster, it buries itself into 120. I think stock, this bike would have had to fight to go that fast if it could hit it at all.
I imagine tire size affects the accuracy too. How much though? i don't mean radical differences in diameter, just something little. Like the variation of the actual tire used compared to the tire size the speedometer was calibrated with. I dunno. As far as that bike goes, I'm debating on getting rid of the speedometer anyways vs re-finishing it.

Digital speedometers. Are these any good on bikes? The only ones I've seen were in mid '80s model cars and they sucked as far as accuracy went. They just looked cool.

650s and speed. My friend had a 1984(?) yamaha 650 turbo. God that bike was ugly. The turbo was more of a gimmick if anything else. He'd a got better performance from a hyper charger than that thing. This bike was stock and since it was his, not very well maintained. It could get up to maybe. Maybe 120. I only rode on the back of it. With both of us on it, he got it to 100....eventually. Man that bike was ugly.

This: ... ha/yamaha_xj650_turbo.htm

The pics don't really do it justice. This bike is uglier than a Yugo Lowrider
And the stats are an understatement. It's performance was the same as a... Yugo Lowrider.
Some drunk @ss hole decided it was ugly too and ran all into him in Galveston and disintegrated it. I don't remember the extent of his injuries, but his left hand is still pretty screwed up from it.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Blas89 :I hope you don't get it as harsh as we've seen here, those Zetas guys are cruel.

Fun fact: I'm from Sinaloa, I lived there for 15 years and I never saw any conflict or kill on the streets or anything in my entire time there, 9 years ago my family and I came to Guadalajara which was a "safer" place and hell broke free with the bad boys, I guess you're never safe

Like I've said before, we Loved Nuevo Laredo. We were actually looking into moving there and working in Laredo, Then 911 happened and then the cartels...
But there have been I dunno 5 or 10 murders related to Mexican cartel business in my neighborhood over the last five years. A couple of years ago, on the other side of Houston form me some zetas tried to ambush a drug sting being conducted by the Harris County Sheriffs and DEA. They were having an informant carry a load of weed in an 18 wheeler to try and bust some buyer. The cartel got wind of the deal, but didn't know it was a sting operation. They ambushed the truck in traffic. It looked like something you'd see in a news broadcast from Juarez. Or a Shwartzenager movie.
Around ten years ago, the cartels had a safe house for illegals a couple of blocks from my house. one afternoon I heard what best could be described as giant zippers. What that sound really was was machine guns from local gangsters (tango blast?) shooting up the house because the cartels guys wouldn't pay them off. No one got killed or even shot as far as I know, but it shut that house down.
That happened in broad daylight on a summer day with kids out playing every where about a quarter mile from a police department and that story didn't make the news! There wasn't any sirens or cops for about 15 minutes afterwards either.
Like I said, it's happening here, just not as extreme - yet.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from EspenLund :You know, there is bright side - gays are attracted to you so it means you're handsome I'm not surprised this was uncomfortable, but if he wasn't intrusive I think it's ok, eberybody needs somebody

I look like a reject from Duck Dynasty. They like the bike.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :A little surprising to see you lionizing a commie.

Yeah... Weird... But true. Why do you think the first thing he did when he took over was grab everyone else's guns?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from EspenLund :Thanks You mean you havent seen dirty - not washed enduro?

Chrome=chicks! But It's nice to sometimes see traffic jam, be like "meh" and "go green"

It is fun, but if you think of serious offroad its too heavy I like this bike but im thinking to change it for somethings like yamaha wr250/450, because i discovered i really like dirt and speed, more than ability to go long-distance travel (it would be fine to have both bikes but monies, monies) <-


Oh yeah, my bikes are chick magnets ... but not just chicks....
One night I was gassing up. This car pulls up at the other pump. Out gets these gay guys. One of them, this funky looking black guy, starts going off, "That's a mans bike. a MAN'S bike". and gave me the same look that those cute girls with daddy issues usually do. You know, I'm an open minded guy and all. I could care less if a person is gay or not, but that really was an uncomfortable feeling.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
We used to go to Nuevo Laredo for weekend getaways. I seen a death metal concert there. We'd stay in a very nice hotel and get T-bone Steak and eggs for breakfast. For poor people from Texas, this was great. It was also the SAFEST big city I had ever been in. Not so much anymore. My co-worker is from Guadalajara. He used to be able to drive there from Houston over the Christmas holidays to see his parents. Now he and his brothers have to fly them in.
A good friend of the family used to be a cop in Monterrey. He has to live here now. And there's still no guarantee of his safety here.
In another thread you posted a nice quote from Nietzsche.
Well I got one for you.
"Power comes from the barrel of a gun." - Mao Zedong.

Get rid of your gun laws. It totally works against the security of the people.
But your video sort of proves that. So I guess my quote is a little late too.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Blas89 :All I have to say to America today, or to Texas specifically:

(To quote a great man)

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Nice quote. But being from Texas, I'm sorry your quote comes a bit late.
I've been warning people for decades that the drug war our government created
was going to create conditions like that. And we're getting it here. We don't have the headless bodies hanging from overpasses yet, but it's coming.
After the fact that the DEA is in league with the sinaloa cartel sets in with guys like the Zetas, in their eyes the DEA will just be another player. All the restraint they've held on this side of the border is going to go away.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Mustangman759 :
YAY CANADA. Take him back please.

Oh screw Bieber. He's just another stupid celebrity.
Who Canada needs to take back is Senator Ted Cruz.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from sil3ntwar :Crash from my trackday

Everyone was ok. There was a 2 metre passing rule and not allowed over that yellow line (told to treat it as a concrete wall)

I'm glad you wasn't hurt. To be honest, I hated your video. It sucks to be reminded how easy and quickly something like that happens. Yeah, I know. It comes with the territory, but it still sucks. And again, I'm glad you're OK.
If you have a friend that's thinking about buying a bike, but his wife/mom has doubts, don't show them this. I knew I shouldn't have seen the video. Now my leg hurts.

A friend of mine, Mark Gineux (sp?) died of a heart attack last Saturday. A day after his mother passed.
He has (had?) the world record for vintage bike at the Pike's Peak run.
He had a zillion bikes. From a 1949 HD pan head to the hopped up Yamaha he rode at Pikes Peak and just about any other type of bike you can think of in between. He was a good guy. If you gotta go, taking a world record with you ain't bad.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from EspenLund :Hello fellow racers, first post on this forum and i though: why not post my bike and say "hi" at same time . I see some very nice bikes in this thread

This is my Kawasaki KLE500:

And there are my videos from 2013 Poland KLE meeting (first video first 10 minutes are booring)

cheers&have a nice day

Dual purpose bikes....
Nice bike!
ROFL I've never seen one that looks like the rider took it off-road since I was a kid.
My first bike was a Kawasaki 100. I don't remember the exact model name, but it was a dual purpose, only we called those bikes enduros back then. Didn't get to ride it much, but it was fun what I did.
LOL There are times when I'm stuck in traffic, see a field I can ride through and wish I was on a bike like yours instead of the chrome tank I live on.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Wow that was a fun year - what I can remember of it. I was in High School.
The only people that knew anything about computers were the nerd clique that played dungeons and dragons all the time.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from DeKo :About Duggan, obviously he was a bit of a so called "gangster", but the whole fuss was about shooting an un-armed man. Maybe he did have a gun and threw it away, maybe the gun was planted, maybe the police are covering their own backs (I have no idea, I'm starting to sound like Racer X, shit), at the end of the day when he was shot dead he didn't have a gun on his person. It doesn't matter what he was in the past or still was, shooting an unarmed man (even if he did throw the gun away 5 seconds earlier) is not cool whichever way you look at it. Maybe he had it coming, but that's for the courts to decide. And, of course, an impartial jury decided it was a lawful killing, although it is completely within my rights to disagree with that conclusion (without knowing all the facts of course).

In America, an armed cop shooting a suspected "dickhead" wouldn't even make page 20 of the paper, over here it caused that much fuss that all armed cops are now going to have basically Gopro's strapped to them constantly so they are completely accountable for their actions. This is a very good thing.

Don't think I'm defending the rioting either, far from it. We in Scotland sat back laughing while watching England going absolutely bonkers . We're supposed to be the violent ones too!

Oh, and about that ****ing nutcase Tory/UKIP bible bashing idiot, please do not think he represents even a tiny slice of our country. Anyway, it's not like any other country isn't filled with the same nutjobs spewing their vile rhetoric, although probably not in The Netherlands where everybody is too busy getting stoned and making dance music .

In America, an armed cop shooting a suspected "dickhead" wouldn't even make page 20 of the paper,

This is one day, one city
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :Well it's certainly not a Harley sound.

Parallel twin:


Probably not so much a lie as too much faith placed in the accuracy of the speedometer. IIRC, law requires the speedo to be somewhere between 100% and 110% relative to actual speed (i.e. 10% optimistic). 172 / 110% = ~156.

What the hell is it with us (Americans) and Harley Davidson? I mean, for what it is, a Harley is a good bike and all, but that's just it. It's just a bike.
But not here. It's almost like a religion or something.
I think the 1200 is their best motor. no I don't. a 1940's knuckle head 74 is.
Speaking of 1200s.. That "Girl's bike sportster" my brother got is really looking good!
And I guess you need to see it, but it really is little!
If you parked your 650(?) next to it and a cager walked up to them, they'd think your bike had the twice the ccs as his.

Oh yeah... sorry a little drunk at the moment...
Anyhow, you had these graphs of various models from various makes. a couple of posts back.
LOL you're the bike guru. you're a genius with this stuff. With your knowlege you should consider a career writing for motorcycle magazines, if you don't contribute already.
Those graphs...
Those graphs are for new bikes. Pretty much right after being broke in - right?
There's an old cartoon I saw in an old Easy Rider Magazine a zillion years ago.
It showed a dude on a hog in a traffic intersection and a kid on a crotch rocket challenging him to a race. Below it, the caption read, "OK same bikes. Ten years from now".
Wouldn't it be cool if there was some way to get the same sort of graph
but with the bikes after i dunno 50 - 60k miles?
And maybe a list as to what if anything got replaced or fixed with whatever model in that span?

Tires... Is it just me or does the price of tires totally suck?
Speaking of tires... ain't having to deal with that strap of tread comes off the 18 wheelers fun to deal with? Damn, today, on the way to work, I come around a car and wound up in a lane full of it. It looked like the tire just exploded off the truck (lorry).
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Clearly Racer X NZ** lacks the intelligence to understand what the terms interest groups, special interests, and resource bias mean. The average American can't do jack shit. Interest groups control the mass media with their funding. They can control what their targets listen to and everyone knows visual trumps textual, vocal, and FACTUAL information. As long as you put some pictures on the screen that move people they will believe whatever you ****ing say.

Interests groups also have the advantage of being able to directly lobby congress and that increasingly limits the power of the people to control policy making. Furthermore policy-making is dictated by the congressmen and not their constituency because lord knows that a congressman can never make all of their constituency happy, so all they care about is making the plurality happy.

So. What can we do? Well, obviously the political structure we have allows for us to vote the rascals out. But after what? 4, 6 years. Yeah that's a long time now. Remember that back when all of this was put together four years was a decent amount of time. It took letters 3 months to go across the country and they had to walk hill in snow BOTH ways to school. So, in four years today a president/congressman can do a lot more damage than they once could.

Also, today the resource bias for the majority of Americans (those living in cities mostly and in ghettoes) only really have two resources.
1) their vote
and 2) the ability to campaign

that being said both of those take time, and time is the most valuable resource out their. Rich people have the advantage in they have expendable amount of time and also the money to support a campaign.

That being said, the less wealthy can do nothing. You cannot blame Americans that our government is messed up, you can only blame the people who influence those policies and candidates decisions.

In this case, we should just blame britain because if they weren't utter bellends and just took the tax off of tea we wouldn't have needed to make a different nation anyways.

Thank you!

You're from Connecticut? Damn. Your state is as hard to spell as Massachusetts and Nova Scotia!
I've been to that casino there. Foxwood. New England has some of the prettiest country I've ever seen.

You really shouldn't be so hard on Racer X**. LOL get past all the conspiracy theory stuff and he's more American than you, me and Dawes* put together.
He sees the ideas that built this country. He realizes how we, as a people see things and what we truly believe in. Even Dawes. He sees how the country is screwing up. He's just as upset about things, if not more than we are. I don't know why he doesn't realize that to most Americans, he's just pointing out the obvious. (huh dawes?*)
There's a saying (wait... getting another beer.. OK three - Mexican - Modelo rules! Hey. I'm part beaner. Get over it.
¡Viva Mejico! ¡¡¡¡Arribba!!!!¡ ¡Su penche ojetes!***) Now I got a buzz and forgot the saying.
Skip it. It doesn't matter.
That being said, the less wealthy can do nothing.
Remember what I said in that post Racer X about differnet people fighting different people for different reasons?
If you read BMX's post You'll notice BMX leans towards class warfare.
Oh yeah... The saying...
You can't fight city hall.
Yeah. BMXer is spot on about a lot of things...
Remember what I said in that post Racer X about differnet people fighting different people for different reasons?
Even though I agree with sorta almost with everything he posted, my "personalized radicalization" is a bit different.
I could care less how much money someone has or doesn't have. I have been fortunate enough to have actually interacted with almost the the whole socioeconomic cross section of this country. All that interaction made me think more along ideological lines.
My opinion is a lot of poor people think like rich people and a lot of rich people think like poor people.
BMX, Th84 and I see the big machine our government evolved into. We all see where it's headed. We also realize that we're the low man on a real big totem pole. We're just as powerless as the guys hanging out in the Home Depot Parking Lot (Have you done that dawes?). For such an Ameriphile, I'd figure you'd know all this about us

This part:
"That being said, the less wealthy can do nothing. You cannot blame Americans that our government is messed up, you can only blame the people who influence those policies and candidates decisions."

Actually, you can cousin.
No matter what we whine or complain about - either the left or the right wingers (ok you eurotypes - we're ALL right wingers in the US of A - happy now?)
at the end of the day we'll go to the ballot booths and click off what ever the party of D's or R's tells us too.

* At Dawesdust: All kidding aside, I have nothing but respect and admiration for you Canadians. While RacerX waxes on about the USA and out foundiing values and virtues, there are things y'all do especially with healthcare that the reat of the planet ought to be looking at for inspration. I also seen April Wine and Triumph in concert!
In fact, Canada is my third favorite country. Sorry, but TEXAS is the greatest country in the world.

**At Racer X
It's nice that you admire our original prinicples. It'd bve nice if everyone did and everyone acted like those principles. I know a bunch of Aussies. My wife's been over there twice. One of their criticisms about you kiwis is something I really like. That's y'all's informal, almost casual approach to national government. LOL almost straight out of an old Henry Fonda Movie.

*** At Scawen
"¡¡¡¡Arribba!!!!¡" has NOTHING to do with Arabia, Ameraic Peoples or the religion of Islam. Please don't ban me - you Limey &*^%^!!!!!
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Sorry mate, but whooosh......

Yes, oddly enough, the point your making is the point we are making.

Do try actually reading the post's, we all know that most American's are great people who are being screwed, the point we are making is we are being screwed by the same groups, the difference is, we don't get to change their power and control over your gun toting army. YOU DO, if you'd realize that you do.

And you call yourself an expert on America.
"the difference is, we don't get to change their power and control over your gun toting army. YOU DO, if you'd realize that you do."

LOL ROFL LMAO!!!!! No we don't. In fact, foreign powers have more control over our Government than we do.
Ask Israel and China.

It's like this. A candidate raised 40 million to get elected for a four year position that only pays 150k a year. Now who controls that politician?
The good people of the US of A that were dumb enough to vote for him? Or the people he owes 40 million to?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :

Here's some free education, as it's quite obvious that education isn't provided in USA.

Now you might be able to only seem like a gun-loving nut. Instead of an ignorant gun-loving nut.

Ehhh... Just more propaganda from the Canadian Separatist Movement.
You know they put subliminal messages in Rush Songs.

We have all sorts of education here. Why what jobs used to only require a kindergarten education twenty years ago now require a B.A. or Masters
We have all sorts of free education too. Actually the best in the world - we get that statistic thanks to the number of people defaulting on their college loans. The loans they took out to get a degree to get the exact same job that only required a kindergarten level education twenty years ago. too bad when they increased the education requirement for those jobs, they didn't increase the pay scale.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from th84 :I didn't bother to click the link. I'll be the first to admit that our gun control laws or lack of is a major problem (one of many) and my voting habits reflect that.

However, just like I said... I'm pretty outspoken against religion and the shitstorms it causes. With that said, you can bet your ass you'll never catch me in church.

Actually, I don't get upset at all. I think it's rather funny that people such as yourself act like Americans don't know that our government is a bunch of douche bags that are only involved in government for personal gain.

Maybe some of your greatness will rub off. Wishful thinking, maybe.

Also, this thread and the thread starter is retarded. Just my humble opinion, of course.

"Also, this thread and the thread starter is retarded. Just my humble opinion, of course."

Awwww... Give the guy a break. Why it's mighty hard bein up there in the 51st state, clubbing seals all day, coming home to having to keep moving the router so it doesn't melt the roof and fry the computer - AGAIN...
I mean really. Look where he's at. BC
That's right smack in between Alaska and the lower 48. Her's kinda like a turd stuck in the ass crack of the most advanced empire in the history of mankind. So can you really blame him for being bitter? Think of what that can do to a person's self esteem.
Either that. Or he's just pissed off that we don't give him a dollar a day like we do all the other third world kids.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :

Newer Thunderbirds are parallel twins like the Bonneville.

Sorry... Not that one. http://www.triumphmotorcycles. ... 013/thunderbird-storm-abs

LOL it's a twin!. I thought it had three cylinders... kinda hard to tell on the freeway, but it looked like it had three. Still sounded good.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from sil3ntwar :You will believe anything won't you?

But, why would he lie about it? Maybe his claim of 175 was actually 165? That's still fast. I seen a 750 drag bike hit just under 180. LOL I imagine if the guy got that bike going that fast, it was probably pretty freaking far from stock.
I watched a documentary about the British Rocker scene and the bikes they rode. They had a saying called pulling a ton. Or something. It meant going over 100.
I guarantee you that everyone on this forum that has a bike that can go that fast and then some - has. And I imagine that in that bike shop were people that are the same way. So I doubt the guy claiming that didn't do so without being able to back it up.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :The Street Triple is the 675cc and the Speed Triple is 1050cc. They are almost identical looking and have amazing sounding 3 cylinder engines! They're classified as streetfighters from stock. They have quite a sporty look and riding position but with high handlebars rather than clip-ons.

A guy at the bike shop I go to and use had a Street Triple, the 675cc version, and he had his up to 172mph!


Man... I would love to have a sport bike. But, I have this horrible vision of this:
http://backmarker-bikewriter.b ... -one-for-fat-tuesday.html
No. I'm not that bad...not yet...
Speaking of Triumphs, there's this guy I run into every once in a while on the way to work. He has this big ass monster Triumph. I love the thing!
Nah, it ain't all high performance, but it looks cool and it has that 3 cylinder sound you've mentioned. It'a not like a thump sound, more like a I dunno, a rumbling growl.
I don't know what it is... A thunderbird? It's not a Rocket. I like the way the exhausts look.
kind of like fins on an old cadillac.
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :<shrug> What would you expect her to be on?

I know a trackday coach who will be turning 61 this year. He rides a 2004 Kawasaki ZX-6R. Same guy owned a Harley K model back in the day and has ridden all over the country, albeit on a different bike I think, probably a 1990 Honda CBR1000F.

.... I dunno what bike I expected her to get... LOL still in shock about her statement...
Also, Going by the tattoo I drew up for her, the club she rides with (borderline 1%ers) you wouldn't think a Beemer.
Personally I think this bike is better suited for what she wants, but
Oh well... Now if I can get her to wear a brain bucket. She slammed into the back end of an SUV, face first, about three years ago. You'd think she'd wear one after that nasty face plant.

ROFL maybe your trackday coach and her are distantly related?
Racer Y
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer X NZ :Mate, I'm actually a huge supporter of your constitution, and I actually really like most American's I've met and spoken with. ( And that certainly includes you, from what you've posted about yourself. )

And, if your a true American, you actually should read my post. It's not anti american, its anti american govt, ( and your 'real rulers' ).

If you guys actually did something about this, then that would be fantastic.

If you really want to support the crap your rulers choose to present to the world in your name, then be prepared for people like me to point out what's being done IN YOUR NAME !

And, yes I watched the video, and I still agree with you. You ( The US ) could be a shining example to the world about honesty and integrity, how to run a country, how the people can choose to take control and live in a caring partnership with all other people. After all, " One people, under God" ( Who can be whatever religious choice you make )

I don't take any of it serious, and I don't think you're really Anti-American.
This just sounds like a joke thread, so I figured I'd act like the stereotypical too-easily offended American moron.
You're right about the "rulers" - mostly.
To be honest even though it ain't as glamorous as what people suspect, What they're doing IS messed up. And it's probably going to get worse. And worse still, the rest of the planet will probably just tag along.
This country is slowly headed for its next civil war. We're not just politically divided, there's all sorts of things that are coming to a head here. This will be a multi-factioned war. Different groups fighting different groups for different reasons.
Forget about all those secret society groups and megabuck corporations seizing control. The Bildeburger folks, the illuminati types, everything they have that puts them in power now will be devalued later. Whatever power they thought they had will be torn to shreds by subordinates wanting their own piece of the pie. So they'll be knocked out of the picture pretty early. The Federal Government itself? ROFL, it already runs on imaginary money. The government is committing suicide by over-regulating and over reaching without having the resources to back it. I hate to sound like another doomsday nut, but my opinion is based on what I see and what I hear from people and their attitudes. The economy is held together with spit and string,. Paranoia is a silent pandemic here no one talks about. Ignorance is rampant, morality is shot and intolerance is quietly on the rise. What will happen here will make Bosnia and Rwanda look like a paintball game. Better still? The ripple effect from it will hit everyone else except maybe N. Korea like a tsunami.